Nature conservation and the fight against injustices to animals takes many forms. For Tom Svensson photographing wild animals safe in their natural habitat is a way to showcase the world how things should be and could be, but very rarely is. The world’s leopard populations are threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation.
Tom Svensson is a conservation photographer specialised in working against illegal trade. He wants to fight against the injustices and the horrors carries out against animals around the world. As his weapon are striking images of the majestic animals shot in their natural environment, protected and respected.
For Tom, the passion towards photography doesn’t come from the equipment, and the amazing technology inside the little magic boxes. It is rather embedded in what he can achieve with the camera. He didn’t fall in love with pretty pictures, but with the realisation that he could use photographs as a way to influence people and the world around him. He sees photography as a powerful means of getting his message out there, to speak on behalf of endangered animals and get people to react and governments to see what is going on.